Apr 17, 2009

Get the most out of your Web Forms

Web form callback technology enables sales reps using dialers to reach leads as soon as they are generated. This telephony tool can increase the productivity of a sales team, and it does so in elegantly simple ways.

This whole business solution starts with a web form. This application is placed on a website and encourages those interested in the organizations services or products to fill it out and submit it. The data from these web forms could sit, filed away on some computer, for a long time before an agent gets the time to look at them. Web form callback technology captures the information submitted and converts them into a lead in the company’s CRM (customer relationship manager). This quick and automated lead capturing assures that all new leads are looked at in a timely manner. Additionally, it provides a way to disqualify potential leads that do not submit all of the requisite information, or who have already been added into the CRM. This stops sales agents from wasting time qualifying leads when they could be on the phone talking to contacts.

A web form callback dialer solution will then ensure that the newly captured lead is routed to the best possible sales representative. This can be determined by several factors: which agents are available, which agents are responsible for specified geographic regions, and which agents are responsible for different toll free numbers.

The call to the new lead is routed through the dialer to the sales agent within minutes of the web form first being generated. The speed at which this call is made enhances productivity by increase the number of leads that are successfully contacted by the sales team. This contact ration increases because the lead is most likely still in a position to be thinking about the company and to be able to receive a telephone call. After all, it was within minutes of the call that the lead was filling out the form on the company website.

Web form callback technology has another important benefit. It increases the confidence that potential clients have in an organization. By reaching a lead quickly the message sent is that the company will fulfill all of its promises that quickly. This feeling of trust allows a lead to feel safe when purchasing a product or service. Because of this automated web form callback increases the ratio of leads contacted to leads converted.